“…Vince is a member of the Government and supports Government policy. The words he chooses to do that are up to him….”
I grit my teeth, ignore the appalling grammar and instead turn to the way in which Mr. Cable chose to express his support for the Government.
The Prime Minister has seized upon this as one of the big things that he is fighting about. He’s made it very, very clear that he is personally behind this. He’s going into an argument with the Europeans, currently the Bulgarian president, I think. Can you actually stop this happening, the 75,000 cap?
I think it isn’t going to happen. Nick Clegg’s made it very clear he’s not going to allow it to happen. I think there’s a bigger picture here. We periodically get these immigration panics in the UK. I remember going back to Enoch Powell and “rivers of blood”, and all that. And if you go back a century, panics over Jewish immigrants coming from Eastern Europe. The responsibility of politicians, in this situation, when people are getting anxious, is to try to reassure them and give them facts, and not panic and resort to populist measures that do harm.
Well, there’s spin and there’s self-delusion and I think Central Office have crossed the line. What they are saying, if I understand them, is that Cable is choosing to say the words, “…it isn’t going to happen…” but what he actually means is “…it is going to happen…” No wonder everyone is confused.
I might have expect someone supporting the Government’s policy on immigration to say something along the lines of, “…I support the Government’s policy…” and not “…The responsibility of politicians, in this situation, when people are getting anxious, is to try to reassure them and give them facts, and not panic and resort to populist measures that do harm…”
I suppose that just goes to show how much I know about the English language.