Then I'll want to publish it. I have no intention of hawking it around agents and publishers because I know they'll hate it and I might just have a change from Lulu this time and go with CreateSpace. And then I'll set about promoting it in various places. I'm sure you realise where this is going....
How can self-publishers operate without a reliable internet connection? The answer, I'm certain is, "They can't". Without the web, the whole process is utterly impossible and so I am hoping that when the engineer turns up on Thursday, he or she will be able to sort me out.
No doubt I'll have to submit myself to the humiliation of trying to explain why my phone lines still use hardware dating back to the 1950s and why one of the cables runs down from a bedroom window and into my study and probably get charged as though by a wounded rhino for the privilege but what choice do I have?
Anyway, I begin my promo here by asking my loyal readers to comment on the covers I've been working on. Below is a selection in chronological order. The cartoon drawings are to give it the sense that it is a dark comic spy caper but I much prefer the simple ones myself. Any ideas how I can stress the comedy but keep the darkness?
Do let me know what you think.