Although during the time that Head Count was on Authonomy, I received some really nice reviews, only a very few people managed to read it all the way through. The ones who did were, it has to be said, pretty fulsome and, in fact I have had good Amazon feedback and personal feedback from readers that has been extremely gratifying.
However, it wasn't until I sent my story to Suzannah Burke that I realised what a "proper" review should read like. She has the style and nature of reviewing down perfectly. There is the briefest of synopses; a sound and not over-wordy introduction to the characters and themes and, some very kind observations on style and technique. Most importantly from my point of view, she possesses a great knack for saying just enough to get folks interested but not so much that the game is given away.
I suppose I hadn't realised how mannered the art of book reviewing at its best really is. A few more like this and I'd be a very happy man indeed.
Suzannah's weblog can be found at: