Most of the time, like most people, not a great deal happens to me. Thank God. I have thoughts but they aren't of moment nor, I suspect of any inerest to others. However, I do take part in forums of various kinds and I suppose this is just like contributing except that no-one is prompting a response and no-one is likely to take up the argument. A bit like being mental, then. The blog is my own little bus shelter where I can sit and ramble to myself whilst everyone shifts a little further along the seat and develops an interest in advertising hoardings. I assume people can reply so that would be nice.
I intend to write when the mood takes me or at least once a week when it doesn't. I shall have to do it when sober because of the libel laws but that's the only other determining factor.
I shall finish with a little vow. From henceforth, in any posting I make anywhere on the interweb, I shall refer to this as my "Weblog". It's guaranteed to annoy the yoof. And that's mother's milk to me.